Do Freshwater Tanks need to cycle?


Active Member
not that I am aware of... lol I usually set up a fresh tank let is settle for a day make sure the temp is ok then start adding fish a day later... never had any issues with mine..


Yes they do have to cycle. I have had many freshwater tanks and breed all sorts of fish. Ever tank I have had had to cycle. I have had emergency's where I have had to relocate fry into a new tank that I did not cycle. I lost every fry because because I did not cycle the tank and it killed everyone of them.


Active Member
The actual cycle takes much less time, but the nitrogen portion actually probably takes more time. This is because you usually don't add the bacteria to the tank in any way. You just add an ammonia source (I often use pure ammonia from a bottle). The bacteria finds it's own way into the tank which takes some time. It's a lot easier to cycle a FW tank. Add food every day, wait for no ammonia, no trites, and high trates, do a 90% water change, and add fish.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I have always told people to wait at least three days before adding fish to a freshwater tank. Bacteria needs to build up either way.


Active Member
Like a saltwater tank, you need an ammonia source. So frequently people start with a couple of fish, but ideally very few...much like damsel cycling.
There is biospira and such which are bottled products which may help seed the tank. But fundamentally yes, it cycles in a very similar pattern to a saltwater tank though not quite as long.


Active Member
You should do a fishless cycle with freshwater too! It usually takes a couple weeks to a month to cycle a fw tank. Even though fw fish are generally hardier and can make it through a cycle, you should still take precaution.