Do I have enough lights


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
as as far as expirience goes I have kept a rock anemone for 4+ years now, I had condylactilus for about a year, but it wasnt doing the greatest under my 500+ watts of PC lighting, so I sold it.

Hmmm , it`s always a problem with the lighting for you isn`t it ? The water quality , feeding , and flow has nothing to do with it ?
You have kept a rock and condy anemones . These two have different requirements then BTAs do , which according to you you never have kept one . So you are just posting on what you hear or read from others possible opinions , yet the people with experience with the species in question doesn`t mean anything to you ? Ok then , whatever you say .


Active Member
"if we can succesfully keep a fish it natural life span why not try to do the same for anemones?"
Ok , what fish have you kept for the lifespan they have in the ocean ?
For the standard home aquarium I think 7 years is good . Specialists and pro reefers is a different story .
As we find more info about the life of anemones we are able to keep them living longer in captivity . Take a look back twenty or even ten years from now , a lot has changed from the info we received over the years . Show me a home aquarium with your metal halide lights that has kept any anemone for your 75 years .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Hmmm , it`s always a problem with the lighting for you isn`t it ? The water quality , feeding , and flow has nothing to do with it ?
You have kept a rock and condy anemones . These two have different requirements then BTAs do , which according to you you never have kept one . So you are just posting on what you hear or read from others possible opinions , yet the people with experience with the species in question doesn`t mean anything to you ? Ok then , whatever you say .

if you had actually read my statements above you would know that I dont think its only lighting, its one of the many factors. but whatever. I guess the many years of research by others is meaningless. LIke I said the information listed is my OPINION, your welcome to yours. I'm done discussing this subject further with you as all you seem interested in is trying to insult me. have a nice day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
if you had actually read my statements above you would know that I dont think its only lighting, its one of the many factors. but whatever. I guess the many years of research by others is meaningless. LIke I said the information listed is my OPINION, your welcome to yours. I'm done discussing this subject further with you as all you seem interested in is trying to insult me. have a nice day.

Insulting you ? When ?


Active Member
the issue is to offer your tank inhabitants the best possible environment you can.
Sure anemones can survive under pc lighting, and they may live a shorter lifespan ultimately, but there is not enough long-term studies to push that argument either way.
I think if you are going to provide a home for a critter, try to duplicate thier environment as best as possible.
This hobby has a lot of financial issues and most hobbyists settle for less ultimately because the better equipment is too expensive. All that being said, dont get yourself over your head with an animal you cant provide for adequately.
Im not saying PC is necessarily 'inadequate' but, I would strive for the BEST possible (ok not those led fixtures that are like 2grand.)

If your critter looks happy then all should be well.
I think long term that time will be the ultimate decision maker on your equipment choice's outcome.
Good Luck and Happy Reefing.


in the reef, full sunlight only reaches the ocean for about 3 hrs a day from overcast clouds. and 1 day a month there is no sun at all. we have our lights on 8-10 hrs a day at full power. 365 days a year.
from what i read on here:
BTA tent to hide from MH. coming out only when they need some light. so to me, that means they dont need that much light.
1 questions.
if BTA's only split if they feel their life is threatend, how do they reproduce in the pristine waters of the ocean?