Do I have enough rock? (pic included)


Active Member
50lbs live fiji rock
Do I need another 20lbs? I like the fact that there is alot of swimming room and I do want to start out slow and small, but I am worried that I dont have enough room for some anemanies or corals, and the rocks are too far down from the light (nova extreme pro)
Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.


Active Member
IMO you are at the minimum and your tank would do well to have another 20 lbs. of some nice porous rock.


Active Member
I would at least double the amount.. but I also think that its alot of personal preference. I like a tank that is stacked with LR for the 'look' and also the biological factor.
If you want to leave it like that then do it .. most of us slowly add more and more rock as the bank account allows



Active Member
I stood there looking at it for awhile and though there is alot of swimming room, I do like the idea of starting out right the first time around and getting that beneficial going so I went ahead and ordered another 25lbs. I think that should be good.
Thanks for the input!