Do I have proper coordinates?


Active Member
Welcome back!
A couple more things to your list;ground probe and a GFCI..a must with saltwater tanks!Good pics!:)
P.S. margarita snails don't do well in warmer tanks.


New Member
The food here is definitely better than back in garrison so long as you have the time to actually come in and eat. Been moving alot and usually eat MREs and food to go so its usually cold by time I get my hands on it but to answer your question, Yup sure is better.
I have an XL spreadsheet that I put together and I can't attach it here so it can be checked out for any missing, helpful or change items. If somebody that has some experience would care to give it the once over and put their stamp on it I would greatly appreciate it although I will need an email address to send it to.
Thanks, Munk


#1: Thank you for your service!!!
#2: Good Planning
#3: along with the other suggestions, you seem to have a good cleanup crew. in fact it might be TOO good for the lawnmower blenny. you might want to see how well the hair algae grows before you get one. i had to slim down on my mexican turbos to allow a small amount of hair algae for my LMB to feed.
best of luck and come home safe!


New Member
Not everybody can serve and thats understood but somebody still has to do the dirty work and well I just made a damn good candidate. I just hope to make it home in one piece, shoot I'll settle for two or three pieces at this rate.
In the little bit of spare time I do have which consists of sitting in the back of a STRKR in B.F.E. I plan out my Reef which my buddies find kind of funny but hell can't leave the battle field physically so I do mentally of course never letting my guard down, "Stay Alert Stay Alive!"
Does anybody know anything about the Advanced Reef Technologies K2R Calcium Reactor?
Do you think that 2X250 W MH and 2X96 W Actinics will be enough to support photosynthetic life forms? The Tank is 60X24X24 and I plan for a 3" DSB that equates to 240 LBS of LS/DS and Approx 200 LBS of live rock.
Thanks for the info


Hey. My brothers boots don't fit so we have to but him new ones. What color are you guys wearing, black or sand? My dad was a soldier and won't have his son in boots that don't fit.


New Member
Hello Grandmarm & IDK,
IDK, it depends on how soon your brother got his boots sometimes it may take a month or two to break them in. If it has been longer than that he should go through his chain of command to get replacements from the QMaster "Could be a difficult out here" If all else fails you can purchase him some Tan or Desert colored boots NO BLACK! make sure that they have good vibram soles and cordura side panels so his feet can breath; Check out "Ranger Joes" they provide a good variety. Keep in mind that foot gear manufactures sizes are not exactly the same and that it could possibly take a month or more for him to receive them after you mail them out. I hope that this helped and I hope that your brother gets a good pair of boots because I know how much misery can be caused by bad boots.
Grandmarm, I am sorry that you couldn't open the XL spreadsheet that I sent you, I'll try again. Thank you for your time and support it means alot to all of us out here to know that there is people back home that think about us and take the time to provide a few creature comforts and tibits of sanity. My address is listed below and thank for whatever donations you see fit to provide, I greatly appreciate it.
SGT Munkres, Warren
1835th MED DET
C/O 1st BDE FOB Freedom
APO-AE 09334
Thanks again


Thanks we got him some nice ones and i hope they fit him.
Were going to send these ones out then get him another pair sometime in the near future.


Active Member
As promised, here is a pic I took of a piece of LR I bought from SWF. I got my 20lb order last night =).
(Sorry I couldn't attach it in this thread--when I scaled it down, it really ruined the picture quality)
One thing I noticed with this rock is each piece has a "good" and "bad" side. One side is noticeably much prettier than the other. Mine didn't have any creatures on it, and I assure you it looks much prettier when it's in the water (I'll work on getting some pictures of it in my tank).
I took a few other pictures, but none of them turned out. I will try and get a few more soon that are hopefully better. :)


New Member
I know commo sucks from just about everywhere in theater. Your Bro should look for the MWR at his location and possibly a USO that I doubt would be anywhere but Kuwait. As for the dish there are some local dealers that sell dishes and componets but there are monthly service fees, I think? He can get in the loop by asking interpreters or some local shop keeper that are on his FOB. And of course he must have a decent lap top and what not. I hoped this helped out. I wish your Bro good luck and of course myself too. Take care IDK and I'll do the same here. Out here.


Thank you so much. It is really hard to get through to him and that is why we are collecting money around town to help them out.
Thanks again