Do I have room for another fish, suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Sorry, blue hippo tang is more common

Can't believe i've never heard that!!
Originally Posted by 95Harley
240g (8'x2'x2') w/ large sump and skimmer, 300+lbs of LR, Aragonite, FOWLR.
Current fish:
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray
Yellow Tang
Aust Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Maroon Clownfish
Blond Naso Tang
Brazilian Golden Moray
I think there may be room for 1 more. Any suggestions? It can't be yellow ( I have too much yellow).
I was considering:
Lunar, Bird, or Coris Wrasse
Mag Foxface
I would like a hardy fish that can be fed (Forumla 1 & 2, Spectrum, Shrimp, or Nori). These are what my tank is currently eating along with Spirulina, Kent Carnivore & Herbivore, Boyds Vita Diet.
I would like something active that doesn't get too aggressive, doesn't destroy decor (ie move stuff), and I'm looking for something in the Blue or Red colors.
LOL, think those are hard enough guideleines.

What about a Hawaiian Bristletooth i looked them up in one of my books and they are a beautiful coladge of blue, yellow, and orange.


I LOVE YOUR TANK! Personally I have never really liked fish only with live rock tanks but I really like yours.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I LOVE YOUR TANK! Personally I have never really liked fish only with live rock tanks but I really like yours.


New Member
I just got a strawberry grouper and i have never had a fish this big can anyone tell me what he eats or what to feed him?


Active Member
Get a large male Scotts fairy wrass....A lot of them are blue and red....grow to 6 inches and peaceful, reef safe. Lesley