Do I have room for more fish?


Originally posted by Cheryl:
<strong>Thanks for all the help.
I looked at a pic of the six line wrasse...a beauty. OUr pygmy angel loves to dart in and out of the rock. DO you think she /he will be territorial if we introduce a wrasse that also likes to dart in and out of rocks?
The grammas are also nice looking
Wish us luck getting THREE little gobies from the tank!!!
I'm always open to fish suggestions!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Not a cance. I had a pairof med 6 line wrasses for a year or more. They arwee much more agile tyhjana nyu angel, and don't have the hang-ups angeals al semm to. ;)


Make sure yoyur / anyone who has 6-line wrasses get enoght meAt. I just lost a harlequin tusk, pro ably to to litle protein . . .. /nme cries. Alll the other fish are doing fine in my lrfo