Do i have room???


Ok heres the scoop. Right now i have a 58 gallon comunity reef tank. I have about 60 lbs of live rock between my display and my sump/fuge. I have live sand and medium lighting. My filtration comes from my cascade canister filter
, my seaclone skimmer(moded so that it actually works), and my 10 gallon refugium/ sump. I have live rock and cheato in my refuge. I have good flow in my tank. Do i have room for more fish??? I have in there now:
~pair of false percs
~pair of fire fish
~pair of bangi cards
~yellow clown goby
~Filament Flasher Wrass
~sixline wrass
~?~? would like to put in a Brown Clown Goby, 2 African Cromis, and some kind of blenny... do i have room?
I also have
~Green Star Polyps
~Brain Coral
~Green Button Polyps
~Condilactus (sp) Anemone
~ and a big reef cleaner package delivered on wednesday to add
~?~? What else do you suggest for corals that rnt green???
Looking for all the advice i can get


Active Member
Originally Posted by fooseball08
Ok heres the scoop. Right now i have a 58 gallon comunity reef tank. I have about 60 lbs of live rock between my display and my sump/fuge.
Your tank is 58 gallons, or your total system volume is 58 gallons?
If your total system volume is 58 gallons, I would think twice about adding any more fish. What do you do for water changes, and how are your nitrates?
If its just your DT, how big is your sump/fuge? If its 20 more g, again, I would consider the above questions, but I think your system would be able to support at least one more fish. Everything you have is fairly small, and relatively light on bioload.


My display is 58 gallons and my sump/fuge is 10 gallons. I like my skimmer. It does a good job... i dump the half full collection cup about every other day. It just takes patience. My nitrates are 0 and i do 10 gallon water changes every monday. I change the media in my canister filter about every other week.
As far as i know all my fish are small and will stay small... i did alot of research to be sure of this. I think i will scratch the cromis idea but i will still get the brown clown gobie since he is so small he really will hardly ad to the bio load. I would like to get some zoas and maybe some kind of mushroom and also a hammer coral or some frogspawn... do corals add to the bio load in a tank???
I will try and get some pics uploaded tomorrow...
My coraline algea is horrible for a tank that has been running for over a year, but i am dosing with kents calcium daily to try and help this
This tank spent the first nine or ten months of its life as a fish only tank and i just recently started adding corals.


Active Member
You should be okay with one more fish. No the corals do not add to the bio load. I can not believe thou that you are getting that much waste in your skimmer. As for coralline I would not dose the tank, maybe change salt brands with one that has higher calcium. What kind of salt do you use, what kind of media filter are you using, are you using RO water and have you tested your levels lately? I personally only do a monthly water change but I only have three fish in a 90+.


I use instant ocean salt from deathco. All i have in my canister is a bag of carbon, a bag of ceramic bio rings, and a piece of water filter that i bought in bulk and cut to size.
I feel the need to do water changes once weekly because of the fish load in my tank. (Plus i cant leave my tank alone
I do not use RO water and i test for Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph, and Amonia weelkly


Active Member
I definitely would invest in an RO unit. You will see a great improvement. I use Reef Crystals but I am going to change to Oceanic. You are going to need better salt for corals. I would check calcium levels. You can bring your water to a LFS if you do not have the test. I know this does not work for everyone but I only use live rock, skimmer, and sump/fug (biological filtration). I love it and would never do it differently. Once you get your calcium levels up you should see an increase in coralline.


I would love to X my canister filter but i dont think my sumpfuge is big enough to handle all of the filteration. I lan on investing in an RODI unit once i get moved but right now im not able to hook one up. I will check into the reef crystals


Active Member
I have seen some people add a small third tank as a refugium. Do not know if this would work for you but maybe something to check into. Good luck and if you have any other questions let me know. If I can not help someone on here can.