Do I have too much live rock? - Pic attached


I have noticed that other tanks do not use as much live rock as I do.
The rock was no issue when I had larger fish, but I am switching to smaller ones, and they have lots of places to hide.
My water quality seems good, but I hate to throw away good live rock.
Am I addicted? Should I cut back?


Active Member
Yeah, I agree, it looks fine. There are people who have more, people who have less, it all depends on what you personally want to see in your tank.


but i still cant see my little fish, or my shrimp.
If I cut back will I still have enough rock to breakdown fish waste? ie. How little is too little?


Active Member
Depends on what other filtration you have. You could do 1lb per gallon (depending on what type of rock, more porous rock like fiji is lighter and more solid rock like tonga branch is heaver) but if you don't have any mechanical filtration you probably don't want to go much lower than that. The LR will definitely be the bulk of your filtration. You could always just try to re-aquascape the entire amount you have in there to allow for more/larger holes to see them more.


the only other filtration i have is two filter bags under the overflows.
the 1 lb per gal. is a useful tip.


Active Member
Just curious if you are planning to add anymore fish, and what they are? If you are sticking with smaller fish than you are good. Filtration is of course an extremely important benefit of LR, but in a FOWLR, open area to swim is very important as well to certain fish. I have 2 active Wrasses and well soon have a big Acanthurus Tang, these fish need room to swim to keep the aggression down, as such I have a fairly open tank.


If you want to change it, take some out of the center to give the "two island" feel in your tank.


Active Member
I would keep it the way it is. I think it looks great and will allow you to have more fish because you have so many nooks and hiding places for them.


Thanks guys. I will be adding more small, 1-2" fish, of whatever type are compatible. I just want to try something different and experiment.
I will probably leave the rock for now, but maybe shift it in time. I think I would need to take too much out to be able to see everything.
Anyway, the basslet is getting used to me =)


Active Member
That's just it, taking rock out, so you can 'see your fish' is never a good idea. There is a reason they are hiding. Either instinctively, or are just currently 'unsettled' in your tank. Give them time to adjust.
For any aquascaping tips, indeed, maybe remove part of the center and add the rock to the front of the pile to create a bit more 'depth' visually in the tank.


Active Member
I really like the way your tank looks now. I try to get 1.5 lbs per gallon, but the more the better. Live rock is like biological filtration for us too, the more surface area the better.
Very nice tank too


Active Member
I wouldn't get rid of any of it. A good set up has as much live rock as possible without losing too much space, which you have done.
If you get "bored" with the look, just move rocks around. You may be pleased with the new look without losing any of the biofiltration. May want to open up the middle some to add a ledge or cave or two. But really, it looks good the way it is. But you ultimately have to be pleased with it, otherwise "you will always have something else to do", and the tank will suffer. Play with the rocks and see what you can do.


If you recently changed over to these smaller fish they are probably just not comfortable yet. They will come out once they feel a little more at home. Also usually the more fish the more active everyone is.
Rock looks good by the way!


meh, fine I will bite.
personally, and it looks like I am in the minority... but I think it is too much for a FOWLR tank... It's about as much live rock as I would expect to see in a mixed reef tank... I wouldn't throw any away, I would put it into my fuge or sump, or sell a few pieces, etc.
But if I were to have a FOWLR tank, the focus of the tank would be on the fish, not a pile of rock. When I look at your tank, whether the fish are hiding or not, the first thing I notice is the large piles of rock. In my FOWLR I would have much less rock, so I could see the fish more. What's the point of a FOWLR tank with cool fish like a clown trigger, a volitan lionfish, or a porcupine puffer if you never notice them because there is too much rock?
just my 2 cents though. good luck with your tank either way!


I wouldn't take any rock out, just move it around to create some swim thru holes or like regina said to move some out of the center ta create the two island look

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