Do I have too much waterflow?

It seems that whenever I cut my powerheads off that my corals take off but when they are running they tend to shrink up. It seems to happen almost across the board so I don't think it is placement. I have a 125 gal tank and I am running 3x230 gph maxijet powerheads (all behind rocks) and one 1650 gph koralia along the top of the tank. Just wondering what you guys think.


sounds like they are getting a good blow job!!! i think you only need to turn the tank 4 times per hour. so your gal times 4. 500gph should do for you. I would use 2 small ones like 150-200 have them at different sides of the tank so you can get a good even flow. Your Koralia is good since it has a lot of motion in the blades.

black cobra

This is why I love my Ecotech Vortechs for this very reason of being able to change things up with the press of a button. Yes there expensive as hell but after the initial expense, the positive outweights the negative by far.
I'm just sayin....


Active Member
Absolutely not too much flow in your tank. If anything a bit low, but no problem. I would suggest to you that the flow fro what you have is very linear and depending on how the flow is configured, linear flow = unhappy coral if it is blowing on them. You reall want to have some random flow, power heads aimed so the flow collides and causes turbulence. Power heads aimed so the flow bounces off rockwork or glass etc.
With the amount of gph you hae in your tank and the number of powerheads you should be able to create some goo randomized flow if they are placed correctly.
Just my thoughts here. BTW in my 29 gallon biocube (about 20 gallons of actual water after rock and sand and coral displacement) I have 350 gallons per howr coming from the rear chamber sump with an additional Voretech MP10 running at about 80%, or 1260 gph.
That is a total of 1610 gph divided by 20 = about 80 time turnover in my tank.
Here is my thread so you can see how my coral are doing.


Active Member
I agree too much flow is not an issue. I have a conseratively estimated 86x turnover and still have areas for even low flow lps like blasto and acans (and a clam). what corals do you have and are any being hit directly by the maxijets?