Do I need a glass canopie?

Just ordered my new lighting for my 55 gal with the money I saved up and got,(power compact 4x65) and it says that it comes with the acrylic lens cover, can I just place it on top of my tank and turns the light on, or do I need to order a glass canopie to place under the light?


Active Member
There are a couple of pros and cons about having the glass canopy. Without the canopy there is always a chance for some of your critters to escape, ie go carpet surfing. Also without the glass I beleive that the water will evaporate faster. I do beleive that the glass does keep the heat in the tank, wich could be a bad thing durring the summer months. For my tanks I just go to the local hardware store and have them cut the glass for me. It's alot cheaper than buying the glass from the LFS. It only cost a few bucks to cut the glass for my 55.


i pefer to not have a glass canopy. with the tank open you have better release of the nitrogen after the wastes break down in the water. another thought. we are all paying an outrageous amount of money to get as much light on as many wave lenghts in to the tank as we can. the glass will block some of them.
something else for you, if you really want glass, how about plexi? it is cheaper and will not break as easily. also you can cut and modify it with many common house tools.


I use a glass canopy, but it does limit your flexibility with placement of pumps and such...I would advise against buying glass at the hardware store...the money i saved I payed for when the glass shattered under its own weight in my bare hands. I spent a few hours in the emergency room and now, six months later, have pink scars on the palms of my hands.
ekclark that had to suck, ok well no glass, the thing is I am worried of water spilling out of my tank and want a cover for no fishes to get out and other creatures to get in. I might have to get a canopy and will have to cut wholes for the filtration. So pexi-glass it is? My lfs sells some glass canopies but dont know how much they cost. Ill keep looking for info, thanks

reef fool

Active Member
Glass may make your tank overheat w/ your PC's. It happened to me. I have since swithched to VHO and cut egg crate to fit the top to stop the carpet surfers.(Longnose hawk especially).