well i have noticed my inverts acting strange lately and also my water seems a little cool, its temp now is 74.4 degrees, i have a heater, do i need to put it in? what temp is a reef tank with inverts suppose to be?
well mainly its my marble star seems completely lifeless, he has been in the same spot in the same position for 2 days, but he's not dead, he will just sit in one spot on the sand, which he NEVER use to do, and a couple of days ago i had to turn him over cause he was on his back in the sand, completely turned over.
that is strange.. some stars can be tricky. don't know too much about the marbled. but a good number of stars are intolerable of high nitrates, drastic changes in ph, temp, etc.... sensitive fellas
... so my point is..
if you tank temp fluctuates a lot during the day, say like 74 to 78 (with lights on), def use a heater to make the temp more stable thruoghout the day