Do i need a protein skimmer?


Hi evryone,
i was wondering if i would need a protein skimmer for my 20 gallon tank? its gonna be FOWLR There will be ls also.
as of now i am planning on getting:
1 black percula clown
1-2 purple firefish goby
1 clown goby
1 cc star
i am getting a really powerful filter that is supposed to be used for tanks up to 70 gallons so i will be getting plenty of filtration.
so my main question is ....will i need a protein skimmer? i might just try and go w/o one for a little while and see how my tank does without it but will i need one in the long run??
thanks alot (in advance hopefully!)


Active Member
A skimmer is always suggested. Im sure you can "get away" without one for awhile but I think I would invest in one.


Active Member
get a skimmer its well worth it keeps algea blooms in check and oxygenates the water and removes waste before it has a chance to break down IMO the first thing you should have plus if your doing a fowlr the LR is all the biological filtration you'll really need if you get 1.5pounds per gallon then you could setup a sump and put in it a heater, skimmer, prefilter and return pump


you dont need one...just like you dont need seatbelts to drive a car.
Youll always be better off with one, but If you dont get one youll probably be fine (in a 20g w/ plenty of LR and frequent water changes).


For A FOWLR tank, I say no, you don't need one. I had a 20 gl set up for about year and never had a skimmer on it and the fish were fine. But if you plan to have a cc star then I would say to definatley get a skimmer.


Active Member
Im not an expert but I would get one just to be safe.
Also JacknJill nice pic I like it!

nm reef

Active Member
Any system can get by without a skimmer...lots of folks are skimmerless and claim to have success. But...personally...I think a decent skimmer can be a positive addition to the filtration of any saltwater system.:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Any system can get by without a skimmer...lots of folks are skimmerless and claim to have success. But...personally...I think a decent skimmer can be a positive addition to the filtration of any saltwater system.:thinking:

Dont forget to just be "safe" better to be safe than sorry!