I have two fire fish and a copper banded butterfly, a conch, star fish, nubibranch, snails, and hermit crabs.
I have tried protein skimmers before and had trouble getting them right. What is the easiest user friendly one out there?
Sounds like no, if he's using a HOB or canister filter.
If you have inverts of any kind mixed with fish (i.e. poop central), you'll definately want a skimmer.
A hang on bak-pak might work I suppose. Alternatively, you could upgrade to a sump as you get a protein skimmer.
Sounds like a FOWLR tank and could get away without using a skimmer if water changes are kept up with consistently, but all tanks benefit from using a protein skimmer and you would notice a difference in water quality if you choose to run one.....your fish will thank you too.....As far as the equipment you have they serve different purposes than what a protein skimmer is used for.....HTH