Do I need an air pump?


Just double-checking because someone told me that I don't need an air pump for a saltwater tank. If it matters, I have a canister filter (running), protein skimmer (unplugged for cycling), and powerheads (running) and the filter gives me a small amount of bubbles only on one side of the tank. If I need an air pump, I connect it to an airstone, right?


As long as you have good surface movment, and your protein skimmer then there is no need for an air pump. If you added one then when the bubbles pop at the surface you would wind up with alot of salt spray over time which you will have to replace. One danger involved with salt spray is that if it gets into your lighting it could cause a path to ground, that would not be a good thing.

nm reef

Active Member
....agreed....the vast majority of saltwater hobbyists don't use air pumps/bubbles for the reasons mentioned above. I'd also remove the air line from the saltwater systems there is no need to "airte" the water like many folks do for freshwater systems.