Do i need more lighting?


Active Member
Minimum lighting is usually 4 times what you have as gallons. 72x4=288 watts, at least. And it would all depend on what corals you have, and what you are planning on putting in there.


Active Member
i think if you added a 100+/- watt MH fixture you could keep just about anything you want

(i think my calculations are right, dont count on it though)


What kind of corals do you want? Get MH if you want to go SPS. If you want to go cheap as possible then get 4 more VHO's. If you can't afford 4 then get 2 at a time.
Ya i may put one more fixture on the tank. Money is not really a big deal i work at a pet store so gettin them is not to hard. I just never had reef tanks before just fish only.


Active Member
bow fronts will work better with mh because of the odd shape you will get better coverage. i would keep the vho as acintics and get a 150 or 250 clip on or pendent mh


Active Member
if you're just looking at keeping lps and softies id get another 2-3 bubs. personally id look into T5, give you the same quality of light as halides, without the cost and heat issues.
the only problem i have with usein t5's i don't like to use glass covers and gettin a canopy 4 this tanks cost to much 4 me right now
I seen some mh's that u can hang over the tank in a book i got a work i was thinkin about gettin when i can get some money would i need more then 1 mh?
this is my 37 gallon I have a 96 watt corallife pc on it and everything i have seems to be doin well my zoos are growin fast and my red mushroom are growin very fast to


Active Member
0ne 250 with your vho on your 72 nyou would be great and could keep sps under the mh and surrounding it if you keep other conditions optimal the 150 would let you keep anything except most acros some montis and policiporas would be okay higherup under the light either way keep thevho


New Member
That will be enough light for softies, most LPS and even some SPS. You may even be able to keep a lower light anemone high in the tank. Watts per gallon is not the important thing to look for in lighting your tank, you want to focus on PAR. You could have 1000 watts per gallon but it doesn't mean diddly if the PAR on the bulbs is not good.