Do I need to do anything?


Active Member
Here are my parameters:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
PH - 8.4
SG - 1.024
Calcium - 340
KH - 9.0 dkh
Phosphate - 0.03
Alkalinity - 3.20
Magnesium - 1230
These are 24 hrs after water change. Right now its FOWLR. 46 gallon, 70lbs of LR, about 50 lbs of LS, 2 percula clowns, 1 yellow tang. I have very minimal coralline growth. I do 10% weekly changes. Wondering if i should add some AragaMILK-Calcium & Buffer. It says 1 drop every 2 gallons of water. Does anyone have experience with this stuff? Is it any good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
For a FOWLR IMO everything looks just fine!!
Well my plans are a reef tank. Within the next 2 months it will be. Ill be slowly adding some soft corals. If my parameters are like this then what should i do?

shark bait

WELL SAND boost could help wit hthe live rock, but also with alot of light could get green slime alge, so a few turbo snails will take care of that.


Active Member
Are you going to have a upgrade on your lighting?? Even for a reef you're not doing to bad!! What time of the day are you testing the PH??
I'd get the phosphates down to undetectable readings. I'd also balance your calcium and alkalinity a bit... bring the calcium up to 400-420ppm or so and keep your alkalinity 2-3meq/L. This will also help in your coralline growth. You shouldn't need much more than water changes at first to maintain these levels depending on the salt you're using.
I have never used AragaMILK so I can't comment on it...


Active Member
I have current dual satellite lighting right now. Unfortunately i dont have the funds for MH right now. But im definitely looking into it. I always test tank at night about 2 hours after lights go out. PH has been stable at 8.4 since i cycled 4 months ago. Im actually trying to figure out whats showing phosphate in there. I use RO water. Im thinking it could be the frozen food. It was undetectable until i added fish and started feeding. Im using Red Sea salt and water changes dont really seem to increase my calcium past 360. My alk and kh have been stable at those levels for a month or so. If I were to bring up the calcium, how would that effect my alkalinity?


Active Member
If I were to bring up the calcium, how would that effect my alkalinity?
Well initially it would make the alkalinity drop some. To what extent you would just have to see. If the alkalinity dropped to much you could use a buffer to bump it back up but don't get to caught up in chasing numbers... just get them relatively close.


Active Member
Thanks for the help reefnut. If after 2 more water changes my calcium doesnt increase ill try that aragamilk stuff and see where im at .


Active Member
You're most welcome!! From my understanding aragamilk is a balance calcium/alkalinity solution. If this is the case you will need something else to bring the calcium up... something like Kent Turbo Calcium or another calcium additive that does not contain any alkalinity. Then you could use the aragamilk to maintain the levels.


Active Member
So i guess it wouldnt hurt to give it a try. Ill stock up on some calcium additive also. Thanks again.