do i need to go fishing....


i was soaking my food in garlic and missed a is about the size of pea and made its way into the tank......i would fish it out even if i didn't need to but it is in a hard to reach spot......tank is a 100g if that matters, do i need to go fishing for it


Active Member
Originally Posted by socalracer
garlic.... i guess i should have been more clear sorry
Naaah....let it go. The fish might avoid each other for a few days due to B.O., but it's not going to hurt your tank

If it bothers you too much, redirect some ph's around and you might get it to blow out to an area where you can reach it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socalracer
ok good to know.....on a side note do u think my hermits will eat it
Not sure here....Crabs are part of the well known "clean up crew", but they are mainly after meaty remains. The garlic will definately give off an enticing aroma for everyone in the tank, but this is a vegetable matter, so who exactly who takes the bait...IDK. But even if nobody touches it, a pea size piece of garlic in a 100g. is not going to do any damage to your tank.