Do I need .......?


Active Member
Ok i have a 12 gallon eclipse and i was wonderin if i should put a powerhead in there do u think this is a good idea. and also when should i do water changes once a month,week or what?


Hey asbury I have the same tank =)
I would deffianatly put in atleast one powerhead to move around the water. The filter helps some but if you don't move the water enough algae will grow.
P.S. There is a guy on another board that has an eclipse 12 tank. Its one of the nicest nanos I've seen you should check it out.


Well the threads on a whole different site that just foccuses on nano's I dont think I can give you the name because its against the rules. As for lighting the Custom Sea Life Supernova 32 watt is pretty good. It is ment for the Eclipse 12 and fits right in the hood. I'm not sure what you can keep with this but I know you can keep some stuff. Search for it on google you can probably find it.