Do I really need a skimmer, ~12 gal clown tank


I am wondering if I really need to get a protein skimmer for a tank im doing. Its about 12 gal and I am putting a pair of clowns and a shrimp in it. I want to do some LR and maybe an anemone. Should I get a skimmer or would a HOB filter or skilter work? Thanks! :help:


Active Member
no. there arent any skimmers (proven to work) that will even fit a 12 gallon without becoming the focal of attention. With a nano that size ten minutes and a 5 gallon bucket is all it takes to do water changes. That is the principle behind nano's that lack the filtration of larger tanks. Water quality is maintained thru frequent water changes. Like any small tank you have to be more cautious with water parameters, the price to pay for a small tank.


Active Member
Stan is right. I WOULDNT even recomend one for it. For one, it would be way too much work for the job it would do for you...Protein skimmers are awesome but they aren't essential by any means whatsoever


Active Member
sorry shane but im goin to have to dissagree with u, protien skimmers are a must in a reef aquarium, they take out solids, and without skimmers ur water would be a little cloudy, but unless u do water changes, ALOT that u wouldnt need one, but in the new aquapods they have mini skimmers that are about 2" in diameter and like 6" tall and in a not so lfs they use it and is sux up like no other, there is some nasty stuff that skimmers pick up, and with out one than that stuff is in ur tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by lukeb321
note I said proven to work. If it works great but so far the jury is still out on that skimmer.
I had tanks the 1rst 10yrs in the hobby without a skimmer and never had a water clarity or quality problem. It really doesn't matter how you evacuate waste as long as its getting done.
Its not that I am against skimmers or think the tank wouldn't maintain better water quality with one. I just think its silly to hang a 18" tall skimmer on a 20" long tank when you could do water changes with a 20oz cup and not have a tacky looking orafice on your nano. you cant get any cleaner than freshly mixed waste free water. All you have to do is search the nano section and see the array of beautiful, healthy nano's that have no skimmer.
You could improve water quality of a 10gallon with a sump but even if you had the room most people wouldn't do it because an overflow box on a 10 gallon would look cumbersome and intrusive.


Active Member
Next time you are at the coast, check out the world's natural skimmers (the waves). The skimmer on your tank does what the waves do for the ocean.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by MACJMC
I am wondering if I really need to get a protein skimmer for a tank im doing. Its about 12 gal and I am putting a pair of clowns and a shrimp in it. I want to do some LR and maybe an anemone. Should I get a skimmer or would a HOB filter or skilter work? Thanks! :help:
i rum a skimmer on my 26gal and it's working good that is it in back.


Active Member
26g a little different from a 12g. Your just short of a 30g. I'd probably run one on anything larger than a 24G nano.
Originally Posted by klearstar
That AquaC Remora is a good choice. I have a full size one and love it on my 55 reef.
thats not just any AquaC remora but a brand spankin newly released aquaC nano
for tanks 5-25 gallons.