Do I still need them??


New Member
Ok so I am going to buy a 28 Nano Cube. It has the 150W Metal Halide HQI/14K light. It also comes with Four Integrated cooling fans (3000rpm`s) that will keep the canopy cool. My room will be about 78 degrees over the summer. Do you think I still need a chiller or will I be fine? Thanks for your help!


I bought my 28gal HQI Nano Cube two weeks ago and it's still cycling but I was concerned about heat so I have run the lights for up to 8 hrs and only obsevered a 1 - 1.5 degree temp rise. I was worried about it at first but not so much now. I do plan on having a fan on the back blowing across the overflow area in the heat of summer which should also help keep it cool and stable. It will increase the evaporation but that is easy enough to deal with.


I have the 28 gal HQI tank tried it without the chiller. In the end I had to buy a chiller, I bought the artica chiller and it works great. With out it the tank was hitting upwards of 98 degrees. With it it maintains a nice 78 degrees.