Do inverts contract ich?

I was just curious if my chocolate chip starfish would get ick like the rest of my tank? I am going to try and give him to a friend for a month while we do the hypo treatment. I just want to make sure that I will not be passing ich on to my friends tank via the invert. thanks


No, he is immune as are all other inverts. But they do have the ability to carry the developing Ick larva on or within their bodies. In fact, the water you remove from your tank and put the star in can have Ick in it as well.
Good luck man.


Originally Posted by austin
ich is a fish only disease

Oh I don’t know about that Austin…it sure make ME really sick!


Active Member
Not to worry on inverts as ick seeks out "fish" as their hosts. But if you are not careful, you can transfer it from one tank to another thru the water,net,etc. I'm not sure how to tell you to do the transfer, since it's an invert. If fish, I'd say fresh water dip the livestock and net, but....other's chime in here....


Active Member
Though marine ich is a parasite that only affects fish, an invert can certainly transfer the parasite on their body as they are being transported. This is why it is important to quarantine rock, inverts, dip corals, etc.