Do Mantis Shrimp Traps Work? I think I may need one...


Active Member looking around my tank the other day, I noticed what appeared to be a tunnel in the sand bed right on the glass. At the end of this tunnel, I saw something, and I couldn't tell what it was reddish brown. I've seen a few shed exoskeletons floating around the tank that were very tiny, so I didn't think much of it, and really couldn't tell what it was...however, whatever this was, it was burrowing fast, and was small, maybe a quarter inch in length if that, but because it disappeared so fast, I didn't see enough to ID.
I have read that mantis shrimp can burrow...could this be what I have? If so, do the traps I see sold everywhere actually work? If so, which is the best?
Any help is appreciated...


I just had to deal with a mantis shrimp. Some say they cause no trouble -- but mine was sure a pest. It killed almost all of my snails and I witnessed him cracking open one of my hitchhicker clams. Anyway--I tried EVERYTHING! This particular shrimp was VERY smart!!! What worked in the end was a 20 oz empty plastic coke bottle. I attached a string around the opening so I could pull it up. I left it in the tank for a about a week--let him get used to it. I wanted him to think that it was totally harmless. He would go to the opening and hit it as hard as he could. He would do this off and on. I tried many different kinds of bait. The only bait that got him into the bottle was a cocktail shrimp! I still have him after I caught him --but he is now in a specimen jar. :)
Yep, the easiest solution to these critters are the simplest means. Some on this board will buy the shrimp from you because they have a mantis shrimp specific tank to put it in, (they are cool), but dangerous to many critters.
The mantis shrimp trap was invented for those that are born once a minute. Remember the saying, "There's one born every minute."?


Active Member
Well, if that is what I have, whoever gives me the method of trapping that works is welcome to it...
As for one being born every minute, that's why I am asking for the full story on those traps...
The coke bottle is an interesting idea...


Active Member
before you yank the littel bugger outta there, make sure its a mantis shrimp. it sounds like its too small to be one from your description. anyways, theres lots of littel critters that burrow in our sandbed. i have several as yet unidentified shrimps that like to dig tunnels in my live sand, they aarent mantis shrimp though, just part of the normal micro-faunae that inhabit a dsb. see if you can spot him agian before you ryank him out! if its a mantis, it will come out of hiding to feed. the other sandbed shrimp do not, they chow detritus. get some red plastic wrap, and wrap a flashlight in this stuff, then look at the tank at nigh, and youl see all the creatures that dont scurry off when hit by normal light.
good hunting


Active Member
Good advice...true, I don't know for a certainty that it is a mantis I saw...
I will keep my eye out...nothing has been killed or attacked in my tank as of yet. I just want to make sure that if it is one, I know the best way to get rid of it...while it is still small.
It was fast moving...
I did not mean to offend anyone. Mantis traps are a waste of money, and may trap a fish and stress it out. I was going on the pet rock analogy, someone will buy it. We have all bought things that do not work, or could have done it some other way. I was just borrowing off of someone elses analogy.


Active Member
I bought a mantis trap.
Think it's called the Terminator or something clever like that.
The only thing it's caught so far is hermit crabs, and I guess it caught my attention.
For $12.00 bucks - it makes for a nice hermit crab trap - as does my index finger and thumb.


I couldn't resist--this thing caused me so many headaches--I had to keep him. But I agree make sure it is something you want to get rid of. Here is a better pic of the guy that came out of my tank -- does your look like this??? I hope this doesn't offend anyone. This really did some bad things in my tank. He practically ate my entire clean up crew.


Active Member
It could very well be. I just didn't get that good a look at it. Only saw part of it, and then it bolted through the sand...although what I saw was smaller...however it may just not be grown yet.
I'll keep a careful eye out for it to get a better ID.

bang guy

Hey Buzz, Your description matches the one in this pic... look familiar? It could also be just a run of the mill Pistol Shrimp. Harmless. If it is a Mantis he will probably not be a pest until he's about 2" then he will become an extreme pest very quickly.


Active Member
It does look familiar, but I saw more of the back end of the thing. I wish I had gotten a better look at the front end, but it disappeared too quickly into the sand. I only saw it inside a burrowed tunnel, up against the glass. Then it burrowed away from the glass, and I haven't seen it since.
If it is a mantis, and it becomes a nuisance at around 2 inches, then I should have a little bit of time yet. It was much smaller than that...or at least it seemed a lot smaller than that.

bang guy

FWIW - the pic is a Gammarus amphipod. Harmless detrivore and excellent fish food. Isn't it photogenic?? :p


Active Member
Well I hope that's what I've got....when I find out for sure, I'll let you know.
Thanks a lot!


Active Member
Unfortunately, I do not share the same outlook here, If it is a mnatis, then I personally would not wait until it is a problem, by the time you know it is a problem, who is gonna be the one to show you? which fish? or invert?
I would try and catch him, then identify him , before deciding what to do with him
I agree, mantis traps are like pet rocks in most cases, soda bottles may work, and about as effectively as atrap. These are methods taht sometimes do work(but not often). The best way IMO is to find his den and remove ti and use club soda, squirt it into the hole, then watch him come flying out. At this point, you can better ID him adn go from there.
HTH and good luck


I bought one of those traps, great for hermits, cleaner shrimp and red killer crabs, but no mantis.
QUESTION - Club Soda in the tank? It won't contaminate the water? Any particular kind?

bang guy

I agree with fshhub that if it's a Mantis it needs to be gone ASAP. I just think that based on the size you're talking about an Amphipod.