Do more saltwater fish have teeth compared to freshwater fish



It may seem like a weird question but i was just curious. I always liked seeing fish with teeth, or knowing that they had them. It made the fish seem tougher and meaner to me for some reason. The only fresh water fish the jumps out to me are pirahna,wolf fish, gar, and freshwater baracuda. I've read some where that big clown fish "have sharp teeth". I didn't know they had any teeth were mentioning. Is this more common amongst saltwater fish because of their environments for some reason, let me know


i do think that it is more common to see saltwaterfish with teeth then freshwaterfish some fish include htuskfish,nigers trigger mostly and other triggers,the larger puffers you see alot of teeth i think some wrasses but im not sure,parrotfish and other people can add to the list but im not sure if there are any others


Originally Posted by Jabari
It may seem like a weird question but i was just curious. I always liked seeing fish with teeth, or knowing that they had them. It made the fish seem tougher and meaner to me for some reason. The only fresh water fish the jumps out to me are pirahna,wolf fish, gar, and freshwater baracuda. I've read some where that big clown fish "have sharp teeth". I didn't know they had any teeth were mentioning. Is this more common amongst saltwater fish because of their environments for some reason, let me know
I had a 5 inch maroon that would draw blood, mean little guys.


yeah my old GSM had a sharpe pair. drew blood a couple times. also eels all trigers puffers, angels have some sharpe ones to. and fish that eats other fish, snails, even coral have pretty sharpe set. some are just more agg. to bite you, i am glad the only fish i have had brave enough was a gsm. i would not want to feel one of my eels clap down. they have 2 jaws and 2 set's of choopers. one to bit down and the other to pull the food into its mouth farther.


Originally Posted by Rslinger
yeah my old GSM had a sharpe pair. drew blood a couple times. also eels all trigers puffers, angels have some sharpe ones to. and fish that eats other fish, snails, even coral have pretty sharpe set. some are just more agg. to bite you, i am glad the only fish i have had brave enough was a gsm. i would not want to feel one of my eels clap down. they have 2 jaws and 2 set's of choopers. one to bit down and the other to pull the food into its mouth farther.
my first attempt hand feeding my SFE i felt the wrath haha
and i thought theirs werent sharp! hurt for like a week


Active Member
Almost every fish has teeth. Even goldfish and bass have teeth, pharyngeal teeth, located with their gills, their designed more for crushing.
But yea, on the whole, I'd say saltwater fish tend to develop larger teeth on the jaw, then FW fish.


Active Member
Agreed, all fish have teeth. The size depends on their diet and function.
But SW fish on a whole are MUCH more aggressive than FW fish. I assume because they have to depend their little piece of the world a lot more than FW fish do.


Check out harleys avatar and that should be all you need to know. Full grown queen triggers look like nosforatu. And yes large clown fish have nasty chiclets.


Active Member
That said it's not like FW fish don't have nice teeth...I would put an African Tigerfish or Gar up against any Barracuda for a pearly white contest.
This is a FW fish shown.