Do Most Non Reef Safe Fish Leave Mushrooms and Leathers Alone?


Active Member
Im thinking about turning my 55g frag tank into a fish only tank but I would still like to put leathers, xenia, mushrooms and maybe some polyps like green stars.
Can you give me a good list of fish that are said to be non reef safe that will do ok with those coral?


I know it depends on the fish, but my Angelfish (queen) ate leathers and paly's on me constantly. I bought her from someone that swore up, down and sideways that she'd be fine. That was basically the end of my adventure with non-reef safe fish.
I'm under the impression that most are not reef safe due to them eating inverts rather than coral, with exception of angelfish and a few others that aren't completely coming to mind right now.


I'll be mixing angels with mushrooms in a few months so I could let you know what I find out at that point if your interested