Do Mushrooms Change Color/Appearance in Time


Active Member
I had this rock w/ bunch of brown colored mushrooms on it since this time last year. They were always brown, no other color on them.
Now some of them have this greenish center and some greenish lines in them.
Do mushrooms change appearance or is this some disease or bad problem?


New Member
Have you changed your lighting? I had some blues that turned an almost green color when I changed to metal halides.


Active Member
I've seen some that changed color, but after a year seems a long time. Maybe it's time to change out your bulbs?


Active Member
The lights are not old. They were changed 2 months ago. It looks very healthy and the mushrooms get very big once the lights are on. It does look nice though w/ the green lines in the middle.


Active Member
If they were smallish when you first got them and now they have grown you may start to see even more colors.