Do Mushrooms Split???


... just wondering one of my green striped mushrooms has to mouths on it and was wondering if maybe its spliting or something???


Active Member
I've been told they do, but I have a ric that has had three mouths for about 6 months and hasn't split.

payton 350

yes ...and they multiply by moving locations and leaving a piece of their footing behind...and you can also help it along by manually splitting them....frag them...cut them
in half or fours just make sure each piece has a piece or the mouth.. and it will grow back


Active Member
I just did this with some red shrooms. When your doing this make sure each quarter is attached to the rock, use a very sharp razor and cut thru the mouth so each section has a portion, within a few weeks they will have healed and moved apart.


Active Member
Mushrooms must be pretty hardy , are they venomous at all , ive heard horror stories with zoos and just wondering if shrooms would cause that problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Mushrooms must be pretty hardy , are they venomous at all , ive heard horror stories with zoos and just wondering if shrooms would cause that problem

Just don't eat them and you'll be fine.
They secreate a film when stressed--not too sure of the toxicity of it to the tank.


I've had some green striped mushrooms that have split about 10 or so times they will move and leave some of there base behind and new mushrooms will form


Active Member
I had some shrooms melt away and thought they were gone forever, used the LR they wre on for some aquascaping projects. A few weeks ago, turned the LR over and there were four 3/4 to 1" shrooms...