Originally Posted by Thejdshow
A fresh water dip will not help you because the ich can live in the tank without a fish for 14 - 30 days or something. Best thing to avoid using meds is a hypo salinity in a QT. Of course you would have to remove all of the fish. do the hypo salin and after 30 days you can return them to your Display tank. However I would make darn sure its ich before you do this (a lot of work to do for nothing). I had to do a hypo salinity and it worked fantastic. There are many articles available on the best ways of doing this.
Good Luck
- JD
Another thing I would suggest is feeding high quality food! I feed mine Formula 2, it contains garlic. I never did hypo, did the copper, methlyne blue, etc etc. Hated the meds!!!!!!!!!!! It cause a lot more problem then anything else. The garlic stuffs work for me, it may not work for you, but it never hurt to try it. It's better then meds IMO. :happyfish