i love fish
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Responsibility falls on the hobbyist as well though.
I totally agree with you sepulation, but please, bear in mind that unfortunately not every1 can access the net, and not every1 knows about these msg boards. I relied mainly on info from my lfs and books(which alot of the time where very vague/inacurate/gave conflicting opinions/didn't cover everything). But thank god I've now found SWF.com and I have no excuses now to make those same mistakes ever again.
Responsibility falls on the hobbyist as well though.
I totally agree with you sepulation, but please, bear in mind that unfortunately not every1 can access the net, and not every1 knows about these msg boards. I relied mainly on info from my lfs and books(which alot of the time where very vague/inacurate/gave conflicting opinions/didn't cover everything). But thank god I've now found SWF.com and I have no excuses now to make those same mistakes ever again.