do pepermint shrimp hide?


In the past 3 weeks I have added 3 shrimp and then 3 more. After a day or two there is no sign of them or of my aptasia retreating. Do they hide or do I assume dead? What would kill them? Do I just add more till I get some that live?


I have my MH go off 1 1/2 hours before my actinics just so I can watch. Nothing. I have also watched in the mornings before lights come on.


Active Member
I've got two of them, which wiped out my aptasia over night. I see at least one of them occasionally as they do hide. My cleaner shrimp, I have a pair, are out all the time. HTH


I had some 'tasia and got a pepper. He munched it away after a few days. I never see him unless I look after lights out with a flashlight. He comes out at chow time every now and then, but for the most part he hides when the lights are on.


Try looking in your rocks I had one that would hang upside down in a cave (Batman was his name), they would also come out at feeding time.
Have fun
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I added two peppermint shrimp, didn't see either of them for a couple of days, but now I see one all the time. The 2nd shrimp I never see, and I assume that he got ate. Survival of the fittest. They do like to hide quite a bit, but you should be able to see them after the lights are off. Try using a flashlight.