do pistol shrimp kill cleaner shrimp?



I wanted to get a pistol shrimp to go along with my 2 highfin gobies but the LFS told me that if I had cleaner shrimp that I should not get a pistol shrimp. He said the pistol shrimp prey on cleaner shrimp and will kill and eat them. I have cleaners and fire shrimp in the tank so is this true? If not true, what is the best type of pistol shrimp to get. I also have a watchman goby and red lip blenny in the tank, whats the chances of the pistol shrimp pairing up with one of them instead of the highfins?


Active Member
That would explain why my cleaner shrimp mysteriously disappeared without a trace... I took out all my rock to remove these two pistol shrimp in my tank.. then I felt sorry for one so I threw him back in..
Pistol shrimp in a reef tank are annoying anyways... they kick up and build up sand everywhere you dont want them to.. Im sure the relationship between them and a goby is cool.. but to me if I had a second chance at that pistol shrimp.. he'd be gone (and he still might go).
Do pistols eat cleaner shrimp? I doubt it... maybe a dead / dying one.. but it sure would make sense to me if they did :p (would scare me too seeing as how I JUST got another cleaner shrimp)


Active Member
btw, pistol shrimp are very skittish because they are nearly blind. If you have a few fish in your tank it would be hard for the pistol to come out to attack anything without being scared and running back in its one of many holes.


New Member
I have one Fire shrimp in my tank and got a pistol shrimp as a tag along on some rock and have had no problems for about a year now.Both are doing fine.But both being animals and unpredictable who knows what could happen.

nm reef

Active Member
I've had a pistol for about a year...with a pair of skunk cleaners...a pair of blood reds...3 sexy shrimp...and several problems between them.