Do Sand Sifting Crabs Molt?


Active Member

Originally posted by LionStorm
on a lighter note, this topic sure went a long way from pertaining to sand sifting crabs molting.

sorry bout that lionstorm
but, maybe it will go somewhere good for the hobby, instead of the senseless killing of an innocent fish.


sorry about shifting from the molting of sand sifters, it is totally my fault. I do not want this fish, and I would be glad to post a pic from right now and pay shipping costs if ANYBODY can handle it intheir tank. As it stands the fish will continue to live in my 40G hex and I will turn the hex into a meat-eating know eels and puffers and such....unless you really want to see a pic of this killer. I have lost more marine life to this one fish than you can imagine. It took some time (and proof) before I could be sure this guy/gal was the culprit...but now I am sure. He/she is sitting in pure replacement water now.


Was in the TV room and I was admiring my aquarium and I noticed one of my sandsifter crabs had come out of the "sand" near the back. Apparently I wasn't the only one who porc puffer got him. Poor thing.
I think that's two that I've lost now, I doubt highly now that the other shell I saw was a molt.
Well that leaves one left, a lesson well learned at a sad price :( RIP my little sand sifters


sorry to hear that but hey its in their genes LOL just learn from the experience.
anyway I have all 3 of these guys since they were little bitty and have all grew up together thats probably why I havent had a problem. they get into there little arguments occasionally but nothing serious. usually its the stars and stripes takeing food out of the dogfaces mouth while he is trying to eat it.. its rather comical real. the only problem that i had was a hume hume trigger now that was a major mistake with a porky he still has a spot on his back that has been healing for about 2 months now from the huma hume.,.
the dogace and the stars sleeps curled up together under a rock and the porky is always on the move day and night asways has been from day one. all these fish have been in my tanks just over a year now.


sounds like an awesome mix, if I get a bigger tank I'll have to try that sometime. As it is I'll have to relocate my porc puffer when he gets too big (and im still not sure how big is too big for a 75 gallon)
will be sad i'll miss the little guy, won't miss him sucking my zebra hermits out of their shells, but i'll miss him.