Do snails eat coraline?


I think my snails are eating my coralline. I bought them to eat the detrous and to keep the glass clean. I have noticiced that my LR looks bleached in some areas. The snails are seldom on the glass and ussually on the LR.
My roomate left the A/C of for 2 days while I was out of town. When I got back the temp was up to 83. Normal tank temp is 75.
Could it be the temp or the snails?

car guy

snails don't eat coraline algae, it's just the certain areas of the lr dying off, unless you have urchins they eat coraline algae


I doubt if snails would do it, BUT do you have any crabs in your tank other than hermits? They could be doing it.


I have a black urchin that came with the LR but I rarely see him. He ussually hides under the rocks. Do you think that the temp rising could to 83 would couse this?


what are your water paramaters?
My magnesium level crashed causing my calcium level to bottom out as well. I lost most of my coraline during that period. I have been working for about a month to get the levels back up. My coraline is starting to grow back now.



Originally posted by texasgiraffe
Why would LR die off??? I have had no problems for 3 months- this just happened when I got the snails???

do a test on ur water! most of the time the reason that coraline algae dies off is due to low calcium. the temp should not have done anything to the coraline .


Active Member
Even though you dont see the urchin much, it may do its work at night or when you gone.....urchins eat coraline. Also, like said above, check your calcium levels. Those, IMO, would be the first 2 I would check out. HTH


Are urchins poisonous? This thing is black with inch long spines. I wont touch it, it looks nasty. Will it sting future corrals?
I have since started adding calcium, iodine and strotium. Its seems to be helping.


Active Member
some species of snails do eat coraline,
Turbo snails do, but mainly off the glass,
Trochus do, and off the rock as well


Turbo snails do? I have never heard that before - it's amazing the new stuff you learn. I just ordered some Mexican Turbos and I'm trying to get more coraline to grow! doh!
I tested my water last night and everything is perfectly normal- I do not have any crabs. What can you add to the water/LR to cause coraline bloom?


Active Member
As I have mentioned, turbos do, but they stay mostly on the glass, whichis where you want to control it anyhow, Turbos really are nto a problem as far as depleting it, unless youway over stock(IMO). I have them and still have to scrape some off the glass from time to time.
Don't worry about them cleaning off the rock completely.