Do test kits expire??


I have a wide variety of Salifert test kits. I recently had an outbreak of hair algae. I tested with kits that are about 18 months old. All nitrate, phosphate tests were at 0 level. PH was around 8.2, DKH around 11. Only my CA was a little low.
My question is are these tests accurate?? Can the reagents in the test kit lose their accuracy over time??

eddie g

I recently moved. After moving the tank I have become interested in it again. I have a Red Sea Marine Test Lab kit from about 4 or 5 years ago. It uses liquid drops. It seems to be still working just as good as new. I bought a sample aquamarine kit on ----. It tests for ph, akalinity, nitrites & nitrates. And I get the same results on both test kits. That is why I believe my 4+ year old kit is still good.
Eddie G


Active Member
Some do and some don't, I know some of the ammonia test kits and some calcium test kits stop working when kept to long I don't know about the rest.


JMO if it's older then 1 year, get another one just to make sure, then you can tell if it's still good or not......


They can go bad if exposed to high heat. Don't keep them under your tank if it gets hot in there.


Most of the brands that I have seen have expiration dates on them. Kordon products for example last about 2 to 3 years.