Do the fish care?



Well I "may" have to take my tank down and get rid of it. I love it so much but, I'm married, work full time, go to college full time and now we have a baby on the way. I'm afraid I wont be able to keep the attention to it that it needs and dont know that my desire will be to do that when the baby comes.
I have a 55 gallon column tank.
I have 2 false percs, 1 blenny, 1 purple dottyback and some hermits and corals.
My think is, I've become attatched to my tank. I feel like my tank has emotions (dont think Im crazy, I know it sounds funny but I feel like my tank is a personality that I feel sad to part with).
My question is, if I disassemble and take the fish back to the LFS will the fish be okay?
Do they "think"? They've lived with a frogspawn for the last 3 years and the blenny is by far my favorite fish in there, and I just wonder how he may take the move.
Will they be "depressed" when they get put back in a display tank with no corals or rocks to hide in (if any, it will be much less)? I just need some assurance about this.


I would list your livestock in the classified section. That way, any reefers in your area might be able to adopt your pets and you could actually pick out where they will be moving to. That way, your LFS would not be able to sell them to just anybody.


Well-Known Member
My think is, I've become attatched to my tank. I feel like my tank has emotions (dont think Im crazy, I know it sounds funny but I feel like my tank is a personality that I feel sad to part with).
I don't think you are crazy, and I doubt that anyone on these forums would. After all, we are spending our cash, time and interest on these pets. I think Weberian has it right. You will feel better if you do it that way. Gook luck!!


Don't be in a hurry to get rid of that tank. When I became pregnant, everyone told me to get rid of my pets because I wouldn't care for them anymore. I totally diregarded this advice. After both of my babies were born I still loved all of my pets just as much and they added a lot of joy to the whole family. My kids are 17 and 13 now and we still have lots of fun and we enjoy the pets together.
Also, you have many hours ahead of you sitting and holding your baby. My babies always enjoyed watching the fish and it often soothed them when nothing else would.
My other advice is don't take on any more fish, especially ones like seahorses that need a lot of special daily work. You'll want to simplify your life as much as you can when you have babies.


Active Member
Do you have any high maintenance corals? If not, why break it down? My 125 stayed right up when my son was born, and now he is 19 months and loves to stand in front of the tank and watch the fish. Keep it, let your little one learn all about marine life early. My kid loves it, he just screams when the fish go by.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
Also, you have many hours ahead of you sitting and holding your baby. My babies always enjoyed watching the fish and it often soothed them when nothing else would.
You'll probably want this more than ever when it comes to soothing a crying baby, trust me! It will also sooth you. Don't give up so easily.


Yep, keep the tank. With my baby, I don't have the time to do all of the tank maintinance all at once. One night I scrape the glass then the next night i'll do a water change. My daughter loves to feed the fish in the morning and then wave night-night to them before going to bed. Sure, some days you won't want to mess with the tank, but hay there is always the next day. Don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy your tank and the new family.