Do these fish eat a feather duster

Looking to move some of my fish around into a new tank. Do these fish eat a feather duster because my thin line hermit destroyed 1. A six line wrasse, coral banded shrimp, emerald crab Sally Lightfoot crab. Thank you for your response.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gravismaximus http:///t/393881/do-these-fish-eat-a-feather-duster#post_3505302
Looking to move some of my fish around into a new tank. Do these fish eat a feather duster because my thin line hermit destroyed 1. A six line wrasse, coral banded shrimp, emerald crab Sally Lightfoot crab. Thank you for your response.
Not possitve, but I THINK the wrasse is a worm eater and the feather duster is a tube worm.

bang guy

Any of those would attack a Featherduster if it left its tube. All of them would have difficulty removing a Featherduster from its tube. I would think the Coral Banded would have the best chance of doing it.