Do they have to be wild?


I want to get some clowns...I want to get a pulsing xenia...would the clown go in there? Do clowns have to be wild to go into an anemone..or anything?


Active Member
Well, there is no guarantee a clown will host xenia. I have had one host xenia, among other corals. The thing with tank-bred clowns is that they can eventually lose that instinct, so your best bet for a clown that hosts something would be wild-caught.


Active Member
Mine hosted a striped mushroom, and they're tank bred. I think that the instinct of the captive bred/raised clowns might lean towards hosting SOMETHING, but not specifically anemones while you may have better luck with ones caught in the wild (of course I don't advocate that, if you can get a fish captive-bred, you should, imo). I had hoped mine would host a frogspawn but when they went for the mushroom it was more or less just something to smile at, the neat way they like hiding under it, etc.