Do triggers have something against Wrasses



I have a small humma humma, and i have him in with a GS maroon clown, a Majestic Angel and a few damsels. He doesn't bother the maroon,and every since the first day i introduced my Angel into the tank he has never showed any aggression towards him at all...its weird. On the other hand, i "had" a large lunar wrasse 2-3X bigger than the trigger, and the trigger would always chase him around. I just got a Dragon wrasse today and he can't seem to leave him alone, im hoping it calms down in a little...but i'm not sure it will. Im starting to think maybe my humma humma just doesn't like wrasses for some reason. Can u guys give me some insight on this, and also on the Angel and trigger love? I no longer have the lunar though,just the dragon wrasse....they are in a 125g. by the way.


Active Member
We had the opposite problem. My parent 6" Lunare was a bully to their 3" Humu, but was a mortal enemy when we had to temporary house my 6.5" Lei trigger in the same tank (90gal). The wrasse would constantly start a fight, and got extremely aggressive during feeding. We had to remove the trigger to the sump.

small triggers

Active Member
i have 4 triggers and a lunare wrasse, (and a whole bunch of other fish) in my 150g. they all equally distribute picking on everyone else.SO i think its a territorial problem,, maybe if you re-arrange your rock? put someone in time out while you add then new fish?


Active Member
A Huma is an aggressive trigger, maybe not a clown trigger, but still a very aggressive fish. They can, and do, often take a dislike to any fish. I know some will go for years and never bother anyone; but (IME & IMO), that's an exception. I think the idea that Humas (and Nigers) are nice, peaceful community fish is one of the biggest misconceptions on this forum. It isn't unusual for a trigger to play nice for months, or even years; then go postal and attack anything they can. Again, I acknowledge the exceptions. Great fish, but expect some aggression.
BTW: I don't think there's anything to the trigger/wrasse thing--just coincidence. Larger wrasse are usually good choices as tankmates for triggers.


my niger trigger and blue headed wrasse play with each other but i got them both young and at the same time. maybe i'm just lucky.
how ever my blue headed wrasse will snatch food out of any fish in my tanks i don't know.