do u feed ur corals


Active Member
should i feed my button polyps individually? im giving them Therea+A small pellets, they eat them. how many times a week should i feed them


Active Member
I cut off the filter for 30 min. I feed mine some clyclopeze once or twice a week. When it hits them and my yellow polyps they close up. I asume they are feeding because the same thing happens when regular food hits them.


New Member
I do not feed my soft corals by hand. I do feed my open brain by hand though, he eats Krill, silversides and mysis. I do put additives in my tank: DT's, Marine Snow, Kent Invert Smorgasbord, live rotifers, freeze dried phytoplankton, and a frozen invert mix (can't remember the name though). I alternate between these things. I feed my corals every other day. :happyfish
Amy L. Cone


Active Member
but is it healthy to feed my buttons that pellet? they seem to eat it fine and open up 10 minutes later.. no sign of bad health


Active Member
Just my experience with hand feeding. A while ago I posted about my melting mushroom. This mushroom was huge my gosh huge. I was hand feedig it and another one some frozen brine shrimp. Well, I think I over did it.
This mushroom was on the move to another location too. I sort of gave it to much brineshrimp and still today it is not a happy camper. It has been a month now and it is starting to perk up. It never had signs of dying at all but put out some stringy stuff on the top.
I stopped feeding all my other mushrooms, they are multiplying and doing just great. If i were to feed I would probably use a liquid phytoplankton or something similar. My new xenia and the other mushrooms grab the bits of flaked foods that fall and seem to be doing just great.
Good luck to you and don't do what I did or you might loose some corasl :yes: