do u name your fish


If you name your fish what are their names?
Heres ours i will only tell you our aggressive tank
Stars and stripes puffer: Brawley
porcupine puffer: Porky
Queen angel: Angelica
paddlefin wrasse: goggles
niger triger: wedgy
hipo tang: smurf
new arrival: Humu Humu trigger Any ideas for his name?
cant forget our shark Wilber


Active Member
One of my brothers friends named my undulated trigger Dr. Thunder. That's the only fish I have named. Bo


I name my fish... just got a new dwarf zebra lion that needs a name though. Have any ideas? :D


Active Member
I can't say I name my fish. But for some reason, the girls I know seem to name them for me.
The one I did name was Sir Charles. That's my nurse shark. But, I named him that because he came out of Charles Barkley's tank. I was gonna go with Barkley.... but it just didn't seem to flow as well. :D


New Member
I have about six fish and I've named them all. How else are you supposed to get them to come to you when you call them?


I never named any of my fish (FW/SW) until I came upon a web page where some guy named a black moor "Lord Vader". After laghing for quite a bit, a friend and I came up with funny names for my fish. :p
Currently.... I plan to name my puffer "Pditty" (the "new" name of rapper Shawn "Puffy" Combs).


you could name him hadees gaurdiand of the under world
we were going to name my english bull dog that but instead we named him hercules so we kind of went the other direction
we named our humu humu trigger homie the humu

puff daddy 2

New Member
We name our fish. Our Yellow Tang is named Wu as in the Wu Tang. Our Puffers name is Corky because even though its mean he reminds us of the kid on Life goes On. And our Niger Trigger is named Jigga tha Trigga


My dog face puffer is named Buu (after the fat majin buu) just want to eat and squirt water, and my eel is named Zorak. Looks devious.


New Member
My husband and I name practically everything!
Pair Maroons-Adam & Eve
Bubble Tips-Genesis & Big Bertha
Engineer Goby-Puff the Magic Goby
Midas Blenny-Midas
Tamarisk Seastar-Tamaria
Blood Shrimp-Red
Tiger Cowrie-Chalshangkeda ("handsome" in Korea)
Tigertail Cucumber-Spike
Elephant Snail-Mystic
Porcelain Crab-Fino ("delicate or fragile" in Spanish)
Flat Rock Crab-Sally
Skunk Shrimp-Lil' Rascal
We even call our Green Star Polyps "Grass". I love my tank and all of the amazing critters in it. I strongly disagree :mad: with people getting into this hobby who desire only eye candy and show no respect or interest in their inhabitants. In many cases this is the only way people will get the opportunity to learn some (an incredibly small some) of the ecological parameters of the fascinating realm of the sea!
Please learn about a critter before you add it to your system then watch it and learn from it while it's in your system.


New Member
I had a beautiful Red Sea blonde Naso Tang for a bout a year. The fish was pretty good size. Anyway my girlfriend one night said " I think she looks like a Suzy, You should name her Suzy" so I was like ok. Well next morning. I was in morning cause Suzy was dead. I told my girlfriend never again to name my fish. hahaha


14 inch porcupine puffer- Peter Puffer, Leo Lion fish, Emmett Clown Trigger, Sammy Niger Trigger, Ringo Stars & Stripes puffer, and Stony our orange toad fish. All the fish are between 6 and 8 inches in length. (except the 14" porcupine);)


I havent got any fish yet .......but I think when I get fish. I am going to name them Doug, Sally, Ciesill, the Sailor, the Booster, and Sister Ray.....I am a big Lou Reed fan.