do u swim in your tank?


New Member
Found this site about this guys shark/coral/fish/invert 1000g tank. He has videos of the sharks swimming, a cleaner wrasse cleaning a 5ft. green moray's mouth, a hawaiin dragon, and one of him in the tank w/ a shark. Sorry if its a repost or old news, just found it interesting.


Very interesting indeed. There should be some photos on this site of NOVICE150 inside his 1700 gallon cleaning the glass if you want to see more. Great pictures.


Its a nice tank and all but there are about 5 too many sharks in there. I feel sorry for them, they are way too big for that tank. hell novice's sharks aren't that big and he doesn't even have that many, and he has a bigger tank.


Wow. That is alot of sharks for that tank.:eek:
Yes, I do swim/enter my tank from time to time. I'm in the process of finishing my open water certification for scuba. Might make cleaning the tank a little easier, at least I wont have to hold my breath.:)


Wow, that tank is just a tiny bit overstocked on oversized sharks. 3 foot black tip? Two 2.5ft lemons? Jesus....


Dragon eels are very opportunistic feeders... They won't hesitate to take down a small leopard shark... I've learned from experience...
Very nice specimens, though... I'd love to get a Lemon Shark...



Originally posted by NOVICE150
Wow. That is alot of sharks for that tank.:eek:

Yep pretty crowded in there :nope:


God what an idiot, just because you can build it and afford to populate it doesn't mean you should. What is he doing with those lemon sharks? 2 no less. On the list I saw a leapord, 3 foot black tip, 2 lemons, and a smooth hound and that is just the sharks. This guy is a peice of work. That just makes me sad, I bet alot of those will be dead within the year. Lets just hope when that happens he doesn't go buy anymore.


Wow sorry he couldnt do with just one leapord he has 2. After watching those videos, it just makes me really sad. After seeing the one with the guy in it and seeing how much smaller the tank is than novice's tank really puts it in perspective. Its sad to see irresponsible tank owners like this guy.
hey novice nice tank really. so ur nacnacmxr2, i finally found out.:mad: i like ur tank and sharks tho, how many gallons?
that guy is stupid for putting that many sharks in that small of a tank.


fireo1o: Thank you:)
Lazy east911: Yes I am, and that's why I was so shocked to hear some of the things we discussed via private IM. Glad we got that cleared up.:)
The tank is roughly 1700 gallons.