do uv steralizers really work?


I have been fighting a constant battle with ick since we started or tank about a yr ago. I am getting to the end of my rope and need to find the cause. I have tried reef safe meds, keeping the tank empty for 5 weeks, and keeping the levels as close to perfect as i can. The only level that we have a problem with is our nitrates being between 20-40. From what i have understood that is not bad with a fish only tank.(we still try to make it zero though) If anyone can tell me if uv steralizers work? PLEASE. I can't stand the idea of loosing another tankfull of fish.


Active Member
uv works to a certain degree during a specific stage of the ich parasites life cycle. if water parameters r good and the fish has strong immune system, most fish can fight off ich. also, cleaner shrimps r known to eat the ich parasites on fishes skin.


We cant use cleaner shrimp because we have a puffer and a v lion who eat everthing. We have tried cleaner gobies and so far they are not eating them but no luck on seeing them clean the fish yet. I just read that the uv steralizers will kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. That can't be good right?


Bacteria is not an issue, very little is in the water column for the uv to kill. As stated, they are not very efficient at killing parasites. They have to have a low flow rate to work and can only get a small fraction of the free floating stage of the parasites. Have you tried copper in a hospital tank? Hyposalinity also works. Do you quarantine all new fish? Also, there are no cleaner gobies that I know of. There are cleaner wrasses that will eat parasites. There is also a neon goby that looks very similar to a cleaner wrasse that does not eat parasites.


Active Member
I wouldn't count on parasite eating fish/shrimp to solve your ich problems. QT and hyposalinity are about the only sure fire way although some fish can fight it off on their own in the tank (but then it could be present for the future only to return).