Do You Believe In Creation


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Ok well
1. You threatened me and many other people on this website by saying that you "wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions." So I'm sorry I did not mean racial profiler more like a Hitler except against Christians does that make more sense?
I have nothing against christians, and I believe I've stated that before. I don't have a problem with God it's his fan clubs I don't like. I do have a problem when they spew ignorant statements or do ignorant things in the name of God. I'm fairly sure he wouldn't want them to represent him. And if you don't know what sarcasm is maybe you should not go into internet forums until you grow up a little. I'm guessing you're about 15 or so and have little to no real life experience. Come back in about 13 years or so and we'll see how you feel. And where do you get off comparing me to Hitler, your parents should whip your butt for that. I'm fairly sure my Jewish grandmother would smack the ---- out of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Ok well
1. You threatened me and many other people on this website by saying that you "wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions." So I'm sorry I did not mean racial profiler more like a Hitler except against Christians does that make more sense?

Lol, that was hardly a threat and if you felt it was then you need to grow some thicker skin. Wishing and wanting to do something are not the same things you know...


Originally Posted by Jmick
Lol, that was hardly a threat and if you felt it was then you need to grow some thicker skin. Wishing and wanting to do something are not the same things you know...
Thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Faith is a beautiful thing but can only be proven on death...
I'll take that over not being able to prove evolution in life or death...


I can think of proof of evolution. 50 years ago the average age of a person was what, somewhere around 50 and the average height was what 65". fast forward 50 years and now the average age is around 80 i'd say and the average height is around 72". Or how about animals. There are tons of examples of the evolution of animals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I can think of proof of evolution. 50 years ago the average age of a person was what, somewhere around 50 and the average height was what 65". fast forward 50 years and now the average age is around 80 i'd say and the average height is around 72". Or how about animals. There are tons of examples of the evolution of animals.
That's not evolution.
That's a result of advancements in health, sanitation, and medicine.


Originally Posted by Darknes
That's not evolution.
That's a result of advancements in health, sanitation, and medicine.
would you venture to say the evolution of medicine?
Still there are many examples of animal evolution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
.... Some days I wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions (christians that is).

Nope. Not gonna allow that kind of post.
Substitute the word "Christians" in that phrase with any other religious and we would also warn the poster.
This is a forum on the WWW. Feel free to discuss in the appropriate manner. That manner does not include this kind of statement, however.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
.... Some days I wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions (christians that is).
That's not just saying that we're wrong... that's absolute Hate. Why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
That's not just saying that we're wrong... that's absolute Hate. Why?
I can't speak for anyone else but there are many people who have a dislike/annoyance with very "

" christains. A lot of time they tend to be very close minded, their way is the only way and are not able to see the bigger picture because they are blinded by their beliefs and they can be very judgemental and hateful.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
A lot of time they tend to be very close minded, their way is the only way and are not able to see the bigger picture because they are blinded by their beliefs and they can be very judgemental and hateful.
Indeed, some are that way, but to say that you wish that they were all dead...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I can't speak for anyone else but there are many people who have a dislike/annoyance with very "

" christains. A lot of time they tend to be very close minded, their way is the only way and are not able to see the bigger picture because they are blinded by their beliefs and they can be very judgemental and hateful.
The issue, of course, is the nature of being a "Christian".
To be a Christian means you follow the teachings of Christ (by definition of the word... though some people try to say otherwise). Now, as Christ taught that He was the only way to God....
There is definitely a right and wrong way to approach it, but you can't blame Christians for what Christ taught.
Christ also taught to be loving and forgiving, of course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Indeed, some are that way, but to say that you wish that they were all dead...

Let it go Clown Boy. I've addressed the comment. As I said; we don't allow hate speach towards any group on the forums.


Active Member
Wow, this is fun, a new thread! Sure, why not, I believe in creation.
“I am the origin of all. Everything emanates from Me. The wise ones who understand this adore Me with love and devotion.”
- Chapter 10 verse 8

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Let it go Clown Boy. I've addressed the comment. As I said; we don't allow hate speach towards any group on the forums.
{sigh} Ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Some days I wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions (christians that is).
That's the worst statement I have heard and totaly uncalled for.


Active Member
As a Christian, being persucuted and killed for your/my faith is (not to sound prideful, but I can't seem to think of a better way to put it) the most profound way to show your love for Christ. Jesus said "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me".
Although the world may hate Christians, it hated Christ first.
I don't feel threatened by the statement. I feel relieved to know that in the end of days this is how it will be. My Master will come like a theif in the night. The worse I am treated the closer that day is.
Wife says it's time to go....I'll finish later