Do you care?


Originally Posted by TriGa22
. And two guys were so desperate. Last summer when gas was soo expensive they made there car run off of grease from there resturant.
Yeah that's only for diesel's though. It's called bio diesel. You can buy a whole kit thing to start it. I think it costs around 1500 bucks but it'll pay off in the long run for sure. They say it smells like french fries out of the exhaust cause its just the old vegetable oil.


y'know i gotta be honest. i could care less about global warming. call me selfish if you will but i got my own problems. icecaps, a surplus of water, hot weather, whatever. i'm more concerned over bills and ex's.
don't care about the environment either. for every deer that chokes to death on a plastic 6-pack soda binder, there's 10,000 torn apart by bears. for every beaver that has to relocate cause of some housing project, there's 1,000 more incinerating in a natural forest fire.
cause that's what life does. it dies. no matter what, where, or when, mother nature will assure us all that every form of life will die. so in that regard, a dying oil-soaked otter off the Alaskan coast is no different from a clownfish dying of old age. it's ALL natural and i even find it kind've pompus when we think that we're outside of the ways natural world when WE cause something to die.
k, i'm gonna go get some tacos.


Active Member
some interesting points soto... the world has changed several times... who do we think we are to try and stop the changes??? next thing you know we are gonna try to super glue all the fault lines, stick corks in volcanos and build a giant freezer to keep the ice caps frozen...


at least that would be COOL. i can just picture 100's of giant cement trucks lining up filled with super glue!!
as opposed to feeling like a team player by driving Toyota Hybrids and switching from plastic to paper. oh, and by the way, NEVER use paper instead of plastic. it makes loud crunchy noises, smells like dirt, and the milk cartons fall through.


Active Member
about global warming (on a libs standpoint) saying people are destroing the earth
, llet me ask why nasa scientists have found that mars is also heating up , loosing its polar ice caps at a rate of 10 ft per mars year , mabie its halaberton and h2s on mars or mabie the sun is just gradually heating up.


New Member
I run biodiesel in my car. I didn't have to modify my car a bit. My car didn't cost any more because it has a diesel engine. However, that being said, I wouldn't dump french fry oil in my gas tank (or spend $1500 to "retrofit" it). I go to a reputable biodiesel maker who tests all their batches. I pay $0.30 per gallon LESS than what people pay for gasoline (here in Hawaii -- about $2.90/gal), and I get 30% more miles per gallon than an equivalent gasoline engine. My diesel engine also has a ton of torque, so it's really zippy and fun to drive! I'm helping to reduce greenhouse gases and actually doing something about our dependency on big oil, and all this has saved me money!
Biodiesel produces something like 1/4 to 1/5 the greenhouse gases compared to petroleum engines. I know ... my Volkswagen Jetta is less fuel efficient than a Toyota Prius hybrid, but it produces 1/3 the amount of greenhouse gases!
You can mix biodiesel and petrodiesel in the same tank of gas. You can switch back and forth. If you live in a cold climate, you can run petrodiesel in the winter and then switch to biodiesel when the temperature gets warmer. Biodiesel runs cleaner than petrodiesel. If you've been running petrodiesel forever and switch, biodiesel will clean your engine so you'll probably need to replace your fuel filters shortly after you switch.
The city and county of Honolulu runs a biodiesel blend in their government vehicles. The city of Seattle runs a biodiesel blend in their city buses. My wife and I run 100% biodiesel in our cars.
There are a ton of big vehicles out there that run diesel (maybe not any minivans). Help the environment and reduce our dependency on oil. Use biodiesel! For those selfish people out there that just want to save some money -- use biodiesel!
Enjoy your tacos!


Originally Posted by Beth
The "issue" of global warming, or not, is rather interesting on both sides of the issue. While there is compelling evidence to support global warming, there is also evidence that suggests that that warming is not necessarily due to human activity, but, rather simply the cyclical changes of the earth. For instance, 10,000 yrs ago, a period of "global warming" was followed by the last ice age. Obviously, there were no humans back then contributing to any "warming" from our pollution. The event took place as a natural componet of the earth's climate.
If we can actually keep the name calling and politics out of the debate, we might actually have a mature discussion on the issue. Whether human driven or not, warming of our earth will certainly impact life as we know it. The "fact" of whether we can stop it or not, remains to be seen, IMO.


Energy conservation from this group? Give me a break! How many posts are there on this board about the sky-rocketing energy bills after setting up a reef tank?
Change a light bullb for the planet, change your MH's to NO's!


Originally Posted by big_money
I run biodiesel in my car. I didn't have to modify my car a bit. My car didn't cost any more because it has a diesel engine. However, that being said, I wouldn't dump french fry oil in my gas tank (or spend $1500 to "retrofit" it). I go to a reputable biodiesel maker who tests all their batches. I pay $0.30 per gallon LESS than what people pay for gasoline (here in Hawaii -- about $2.90/gal), and I get 30% more miles per gallon than an equivalent gasoline engine. My diesel engine also has a ton of torque, so it's really zippy and fun to drive! I'm helping to reduce greenhouse gases and actually doing something about our dependency on big oil, and all this has saved me money!
Biodiesel produces something like 1/4 to 1/5 the greenhouse gases compared to petroleum engines. I know ... my Volkswagen Jetta is less fuel efficient than a Toyota Prius hybrid, but it produces 1/3 the amount of greenhouse gases!
You can mix biodiesel and petrodiesel in the same tank of gas. You can switch back and forth. If you live in a cold climate, you can run petrodiesel in the winter and then switch to biodiesel when the temperature gets warmer. Biodiesel runs cleaner than petrodiesel. If you've been running petrodiesel forever and switch, biodiesel will clean your engine so you'll probably need to replace your fuel filters shortly after you switch.
The city and county of Honolulu runs a biodiesel blend in their government vehicles. The city of Seattle runs a biodiesel blend in their city buses. My wife and I run 100% biodiesel in our cars.
There are a ton of big vehicles out there that run diesel (maybe not any minivans). Help the environment and reduce our dependency on oil. Use biodiesel! For those selfish people out there that just want to save some money -- use biodiesel!
Enjoy your tacos!
they were ok but that was just cause i didn't make em. tonight's burrito night and i'm makin em from scratch. gonna teach my new roomate how 2 cook cause all she eats is top ramen.
anywayz, don't care about anything you pointed out except that your car has good performance and saves you money. that's all that matters regarding cars---> money and fun.
no politics.