do you clean the protein skimmer?


Active Member
clean about 1 time a month that should do it some might say that is too often if so every 2 months...tobin


Active Member
You should pull the skimmer out and clean the skimmer itself and the pump feeding it from time to time, at least every few months.


Active Member
I wash the cup everytime I dump it. then once in a while I clean the venturi clean the air intake line and tear the PH apart and clean the impeller and shaft, to keep it operating up to par. the main body I dont clean. mine has coraline growing in it as well as spiroboid worms and feather dusters


Active Member
I never clean the skimmer itself because the coralife does not come apart to clean. all you can clean is the outside which is useless. I do clean the pump assembly as needed and I would hope everybody cleans their collection cup. If the body came apart I'd probably clean it infrequently..


Active Member
I sometimes just take a toothbrush and scrub the inside of the skimmer, and empty the collection cup whenever its full. Corraline buildup on the inside of the skimmer itself makes it less effective