do you do water changes?


I do a 10% every other week, plus top-offs with fresh water....
Gonna get an ro/di unit soon...yippee :p
tank's been up and cycled since 10/01. one 15 gallon change w/ numerous top offs. only two damsels, 7 snails, 4 hermits, and 4 starfish. all of the livestock besides the damsels have been added since feb 2, '02


Active Member
15% every few weeks, when I get the time.. once a month I guess would be the answer. Roll, your parameters may be fine, but as fshub said, you are lacking or atleast on the downhill side of having trace elements left.


New Member
personally I do a 15 gallon water change once every month with ri water purchased from the store. My tank seems to be doing very well and all of my water tests have come out o.k. :p


10% to 20% every 5 to 7 days. Although it does usually end up on the 7th day, there have been times that I have done it earlier depending on how heavily I have fed the tanks.


i do a 5 gal watter change every month or 2 sometimes 3 just to keep the calcium exctra replaced but my watter has allways been good and has worked for me for years in my 55 gal