Do you feed Emarld Green crabs?


We have a 100gal reef tank, and part of our cleaning crew includes 3 teeny Emarld Green crabs. We had one bigger Emarld Green crab & he died (had him in the tank for 3 weeks & never had any problems with water quality or temp.). My thought was that perhaps he wasn't getting enough algae from the tank...
What are "algae sheets" that I keep reading about? I can't find any on this website or others that sell "algae sheets." Can I make them? Do you feed these crabs anything else (veggies, etc) that would work? I don't want these little guys to die!


Double check your PH, low ph is a sure killer of inverts....
Algae sheets usually come with a clip and stick to the glass, they are mainly for feeding varicous algae eaters though like tangs, and angels.
My emerald crabs eat algae from the tank (duh) and EVERYTHING ELSE lol
... they will eat left over flake food... they will eat brine shrimp...
I wouldnt think there is a special need to feed them personally.


OK...ours were munching on the mysis shrimp, but I wanted to make sure they were getting what they were supposed to be eating!
Our tank has a bunch of corals, three shrimp, bunches of hermits & snails, & all is OK. It was sort of odd that the Emarld Crab died.