We have a 100gal reef tank, and part of our cleaning crew includes 3 teeny Emarld Green crabs. We had one bigger Emarld Green crab & he died (had him in the tank for 3 weeks & never had any problems with water quality or temp.). My thought was that perhaps he wasn't getting enough algae from the tank...
What are "algae sheets" that I keep reading about? I can't find any on this website or others that sell "algae sheets." Can I make them? Do you feed these crabs anything else (veggies, etc) that would work? I don't want these little guys to die!
What are "algae sheets" that I keep reading about? I can't find any on this website or others that sell "algae sheets." Can I make them? Do you feed these crabs anything else (veggies, etc) that would work? I don't want these little guys to die!