Do you have a skimmer in your nano?


Active Member
I just havn't gotten around to getting one. And with the carbon, phos filter, and nitrate sponge in the first chamber then my chiller pump and LR in the second chamber its a bit cramped back there already.


Yep, I got mine today along with all other supplies needed to start this amazing hobby! Mines a oceanic 14 skimmer by the way, love it so far!


Active Member
I'd like to hear from you guys too who do not have a skimmer. Is there a reason behind it other than financial?


Active Member
i cant really think of a reason not to run a skimmer, except sometimes if youre dosing something itll pull it out. but you can always turn it off.


i don't have a skimmer and i don't think you really need one. It's not because of financial reasons or anything either. Of course it's not gonna hurt to have one though. If you're not sure about purchasing one just yet hold off on it for now.

coral keeper

Active Member
I don't run a skimmer on my tank. I just think it isn't necessary to have a skimmer in a small tank if you can do 1-2 gallon water changes a week and thats already 15%-30%. I have LR and mirco algae in the fuge instead of a skimmer. Oh and, the skimmer also skimms out calcium, salt, and a few good other things. If you use natural ocean water like me, it isn't a good idea if you use a skimmer because it will just skimm out all the good bacteria in the water. Then there wouldn't be any point in buying natural ocean water. But if your tank is heavily stocked, I'd recommend a skimmer.


Dont have one because I dont have a tank!(yet)
But When I do get one I plan on getting one but I cant seem to find a good one for an aquapod.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i cant really think of a reason not to run a skimmer, except sometimes if youre dosing something itll pull it out. but you can always turn it off.

Don't have a Skimmer and I dn't think you need one for a small tank. My tank has been skimerless for almost 2 years. The growth of my corals is crazy and they all look super healthy. I do 10% bi/weekly water changes and I never add anything else. In the last 3 weeks I made 700dlls on frags that I sold. Never have had any algae problems and I have never lost a fish either!


New Member
20G - High
Remora Skimmer
Phosphate Reactor
AC 50 w/carbon,
I think everyone should have a skimmer from 14g and up if you can sacrifice the room ... under that i think water changes do just fine ....
I keep my tank pristine and usually only get 1/4 cup of gunk every week or so .... nothing major but it gives me piece of mind that its taking stuff out i cant see ...


i dont run one; good ones are more than i want to pay for and i have flame scallops that need the nutrients in the water that a skimmer would take out (i think!) anyway. I do about a 20% water change each week.