Do you name your fish?


Hehehe.. I remember back when I was 11 or so, I would name all the pets I had, including fish. But now.. I just think of them by their species.
My friend, though, thinks that's terrible and takes thier names into her own hands.. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
What about you guys?


Not at all to be mean or dirogitory (although im sure I will still get some flack). From what I've seen mostly girls name their fish. It's a girl thing I think. Now i'm sure some guys will but in and say they do. And the girls will complain. By the way my fish have no names.


lol!!! I think your right though.. well, I may be a girl.. but my girl friends are always asking names and I'm like "Uggghhh.... they're all Bob."


That's funny cause my girlfriend wants to name everything cat, monster is his name, she wanted to call bob. And any other pet i've had she wants to call bob.
does she ever call you bob by mistake,unless this
is your real name,then i'd say she's nuts about
you,if bob is not your name,then you better ask
a few questions.


I call my ocellaris, "Huffy the Clown Fish." My dad is a firefighter, but also does some clowning. My maident name is Hufford, and dad's clown personality is "Huffy," hence... Huffy the Clown Fish. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
And, uh... Yeah, I'm a girl. So, that helps prove that theory.


Yes I name my fish, but my husband and son have helped on occasion. Do they count? My hubby came up with Pinhead for the lionfish, and my son named the (FW) cory cats Speedy and Not-So-Speedy.


Active Member
yes, I have named my children, my dogs and my fish,however I do not allow my husband to name any of the above. He gets to name the snails as he prefers names like snot, slick, and booger. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> ;)


My fiancee made me name my fish...the first is "Montee" a maroon gs clown, "Koby" royal gramma, "Lazer" orange tailed damsel, and "Sunny" a yellow tang.

sinner's girl

My guy named his fw fish. (pinkie, traece and the groupies, i don't remember the rest)
He names some of the sw, if I don't name them first.
Angel, Little bit - two clowns. Little Mike is the peppermint shrimp, only have one left so I can now name him. Yellow tang was lemon.
Ok so i'm not creative when i name them. Normaly when they get released they get named.
I had better names for our damsels.
Only one snail has been named - fatso - all it did was eat, finally fell off the glass and couldn't get back up.


Heck, I'm up to twenty names. Fish, Shrimp, Starfish, snails, hermits... all have names. lol. (yup, I'm a girl).

sinner's girl

thinktank - i just tap on the glass lightly and they come to eat, actually all i have to do is stand in front of the glass and they will come up for food (even if i'm not feeding them).
oh yeah, i also had 1 fish, 2 fish, and blue fish


New Member
My wife names my fish Ben and Frank....she says we spend too many Benjaman Franklins on the damm fish....some times she is right !!