Do you name your fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Appaloosa1
yes! MY clown is names Nemo (original I know) and my bicolor blenny is Benny. I only have 2 fish so of course I names them, but if you have hundreds of fish that you can't tell the difference between it would be hard to name them and tell them apart.
agreed, thats also why i like nanos because the fish get lots more personal attention


Active Member
Originally Posted by guinness
when ever i named a fish it was a death sentance. within two months it was dead.
huh... this seems to be true for me, i lost 4 fish in the begining within 2 months... except junior my clown is 2 1/2 months strong now


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I'm a firm believer that naming a fish is a death sentence, so no, I dont name my fish

i guess i will have to stop naming fish, everyone has had a bad experience


Originally Posted by autofreak44
i guess i will have to stop naming fish, everyone has had a bad experience
Not me! And not my Mom w/her tank!


Not me although my Coral Beauty died right as I am
Six-Line Wrasse Seaweed
2 Clownfish Bigger Marline smaller Nemo
1 Chromis I might move Chromis
1 Cleaner Shrimp Pierre
1 Coral Banded Shrimp Pierre before the Cleaner now Meaniehead cause he jumps for my fish.
76 or 72 Sps Tank,don't remember.Sometime this weekend or when the teenagers working there will give us our bloody photos that are 4 days overdue
Plan to call the Bluejaw Trigger in the tank something and the Copperband Butterfly,oh and whatever else appears in my soon to have 72-76 Sps Tank.


Active Member
7 yr old tomato clown (my avatar)- Salsa
4 year old chromis- Bumper (his mate, Tailpipe, died earlier this year. Not from her name, tho)
1 yr old mandarinfish- Camille
A pair of 1 yr old red cigar wrasse- Bamma and Jamma


no i dont. i actually just call them by what they are called although now i have a habit of calling percs nemos now.


i name most of mine!!
ocellaris clown-- bailey (she used to have a mate named barnum, but he jumped the tank
pj cards-- john and paul
firefish-- larry and curly (they harassed moe to death)
foxface-- sophia
fire shrimp--red
arrow crab-- stilts
i don't have a name for my long nose hawk though...